For those of us who did not know ‘Smile Pinki’ was a documentary film made 4 years ago about a little Pinki Sonkar, a five-year old girl from Uttar Pradesh, born with a cleft lip. The inspiring movie won the Oscar for Best Documentary in 2009. Made by award winning documentary director Megan Mylan, it traces the struggles and story of Pinki, spreading awareness about the social dilemma of children born with cleft lip or palette, who cannot afford surgery. But it is called ‘Smile Pinki’, because it also shows how she is operated on for free under The Smile Train program, and how this transforms her life – she can smile again.
Last week, Pinki (now 9) made news again, when she was invited to the Wimbeldon to be the person who will toss the coin in the Men’s Final to decide who serves first. She is regarded as the face of a noble cause, and is hence being accorded this honour. From hiding from society under her mother’s sari, she has now travelled to the US (for the Oscars), and will travel to London soon.
Photo Credits: Image:the hindu
References: The Hindustan Times,