End of the Telegram

Jul 13, 2013

India’s trusty and reliable telegram service came to dramatic end last Sunday, as an explosion of telegraphic communications honoured the death of 160-year old service. After years of being the primary medium of communication, the service had to be shut down by BSNL, its operators, due to massive drops in revenue as the service became more and more obsolete in our Internet and phone age. There was a rush to send a piece of what was now history on the final day, as people hurried to send their last telegram – for some it was in memory of something quite close to their hearts, for some a piece of history to be part of before it ended. It does not really matter who finally sent the ‘last’ telegram, but the reaction of people, to rush to use the grand old machines before their death, and plead for the continuity of the service is very touching, and shows that the telegram will be always remembered

Photo Credits: rediff.com

References: TOI, DNA, Yahoo News

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